Shadowrun Quotes

Tom: "We need to have a plan so that we know what we're deviating from."

(In a discussion between the sammy and the physad as to why cyberclaws were more telegenic than magic.)

Bobby Z (the sammy): "Silly adept, *snikts* are for trids."

Clarissa: "What a wonderful idea! A furby that blows itself up! A real time-saver!"

(Sven the combat mage assenses some unknown parties to determine if they're hostile)

Dalassa(GM): "They are quite calm, very business like, not letting emotions roil the astral around them."

Sven: "Hmm. Well, if they're planning to kill us, at least they're professional about it."

Aaron: "Good. Wouldn't want to get capped by amateurs."

(discussing whether the minotaur decker should become an elf poser)

Xavier: "Dude, stop posing as an elf. If they, um... find out (hm) they'll get pissed and uh... Well... I guess insult you a lot from a safe distance."

Baldy (the minotaur): "I'm not posing as an Elf! I really *am* gay!"

(after almost single-handedly beating the crap out of a whole crew of Triad thugs who jumped him in an alley)

Yngvi: "Yes. We'd best be going. Alleys like this tend to be infested with dangerous criminals and muggers."

Yngvi: "Most people call me Yngvi, though some dissent exists around how to pronounce it when you have a mouthful of broken teeth. The usual consensus is 'nggggahai'."

Yngvi: "Hey kids, here's some bullets! Don't spend them all in one place."

Yngvi: "Ah. Reminds me of some of my poorer times. It is, unfortunately, difficult to be nostalgic when one is recovering from multiple shrapnel puncture wounds."

Xavier: "Heh. You've got an odd sense of humor, anyone ever tell you that?"

Yngvi: "Yes. I never could quite understand."

Yngvi: "I suppose that I have a rather unique outlook on life."

Xavier: "Does it come with the people trying to kill you?"

Yngvi: "I think that only emphasizes it."

Yngvi: "Ah. No, this is certainly not an unfriendly town. To the contrary, the people here are loving and forgiving. All of the thugs I have so far encountered have been imported."

(while statting the Hulk)

Randolph: "Large, green, human-looking troll seeks SWF."

(while getting run through Food Fight)

Bobby Z: "Who the hell robs a store with a katana? This isn't the fucking Meiji restoration."

Dalassa(GM): "The stench of burnt pig fate exudes from the corner."

Dalassa(GM): "Linoleum flies up in a way that would be cool if this were the Matrix, but it isn't. Too bad."

* Bobby Z looks sadly at his cheap, hong-kong knockoff linoleum FX.

Sven (discussing suppression fire): "And the best way to suppress someone is to shoot them repeatedly until they stop moving."

(while chasing a thug down a flight of stairs)

Kurt: "Tell me you're wearing a hat."

Yngvi: "Why? He's running down."

Kurt: "It's just cooler that way."

(discussing who should take down the last, fleeing, member of yet another bunch of Triad thugs)

Yngvi: "You want this one?"

Xavier: "He's running, it's not really sport."

Yngvi: "I hate taking prisoners. It brings up too many moral questions."

(while throwing white phosphorus around in a candy warehouse)

Bobby Z: "'Melts in your mouth, not in grenade-induced oxidization reactions,' just doesn't have that marketing zing."

Bobby Z: "There are some things in life that you need a Lightsaber for. For everything else, there's Dikote."

(after discovering that one of the security systems in SOTA:2063 requires keeping track of female characters' menstrual cycles)

"Are you, Kacia, currently menstruating?"

"What has that got to do with anything?!?"

"Back off, man! I'm a security rigger!"

Bobby Z: "But Brain, where are we going to find a horse head?"

Bobby Z: "Hm. How tight's the Sidhe border?"

Dalassa(GM): "Really loose. Loose like your mother."


Dalassa(GM): "Ok, loose like your auntie."

Bobby Z: "Oh, well, that's fine. She's a whore."

Bobby Z: "No, really. Want me to hook you up?"

Bobby Z: "That's true, but I'm not exactly a mover and shaker. More of a shaker and puncher, really."

Sven: "Hmm... remind me, next time we deal with an iffy Johnson, to get a, um, sample..."

Clarissa: "Blood? Hair? Tissue?"

Sven: "Hair works. Blood and tissue are better, but more difficult to get unnoticed."

Clarissa: "Just punch him once. That should do it"

Bobby Z: "Or, you know, get him drunk and have your way with him."

Sven: "Remind me exactly what 'my way' is?"

Bobby Z: "Pick up those boulders, and when he comes around the corner, smash his head in!"

Sven: "My way's not very sportsmanlike."

Bobby Z: "I'm environmentally friendly. I decompose waste elements of society."

Yngvi: "I'm not much of a cybersurgeon, so the classic style cranial bomb is out of the question. Instead, I've given you a partial lobotomy and crammed some C4 and a radio detonator into that space. Have a nice life. What's left of it, anyways."

(discussing the ability to default Sorcery to Military Theory using the SR2 Skill Web)

John: "Manabolt? Uh..... well, in situations like this, I like remembering what Clausewitz said about diplomacy..." -target takes mental damage and dies-

Sven: "We need to use your C12 more often."

Aaron: "It's only C4."

Sven: "Oh. Well, we need to get some C12, and then use it more often, then."

Aaron: "Yes."

Yngvi: "I'll take that as a, 'Please, Yngvi, find us a greasy spoon diner so we can get some fucking hashbrowns and a pile of eggs containing dubious items including, but not limited to tomatos, soy trout, and buckwheat.'"

Aaron: "Did you say computer? I thought you said shoot people in the face."

(discussing what exactly constitutes a magical element)

John: "Say hello to Fat Man, my plutonium elemental..."

Kinneas: "His favorite movie is 'Snow White', but it's the Humanis Digital Remastered edition, without the Seven Dwarfs."

Kinneas: "Can you get carpal tunnel from firing pistols too often?"

Aaron: "Ah, yes, the ultimate use of CCSS: Turning on the coffee maker from your bedroom."

Bobby Z: "Totems: If you can form a concept, and it's likely to say disturbing things to you while under the influence of LSD, then you've got a winner."

(planning an extraction)

Sven: "Well, we go in, we shoot all of the bad guys, however many of them there may be, we grab all of the good guys, however many of them there may be, and wherever they may be located, and we leave. Easy."

Dalassa(GM): "Would someone other than the psychotic dwarf PLEASE plan?"

Bobby Z: "Well, we go in, we shoot everybody, and resuscitate the good guys."

Aaron: "That seems to be a reasonable summary of our plan thus far."

Dalassa(GM): "So you are going to charge fully armed into a city corp compound..."

Bobby Z: "Uh, in a manner that respects the rights of all sentients, of course."

Bobby Z: "These cupcakes are filled with volatile explosives."

(Xavier calls Yngvi from the cemetary where he has just discovered that his father is apparently not buried)

Yngvi: "John Q. Urqhart's Beet Castle, how may we sweeten your life?"

Xavier: "Oh. Uh... I guess I have the wrong number..."

Yngvi: "You have the right number, Xavier."

Xavier: "Oh. Right. Heh. *ahem* Oh yeah, reason I called. *pause* Right. Know anything about cemetaries?"

Yngvi: "Not unless you're getting shot at in one. If that's the case, uh, take shelter behind some mausoleums while dodging and pick the badguys off."

Yngvi: "Knowing when to hold back is one of the greatest lessons a man can learn."

Xavier: "Very cryptic."

Yngvi: "The ocean, however, never holds back."

Xavier: "Less cryptic."

Yngvi: "Thank you. I practiced that for days to get the inflection just right."

Mikhail: "This is why we need slave midgets."

(Don't ask me...)

Alfredo: "Dunno too many details, except that the guy needs it done right now, ASAP, pronto. So we should be able to get a decent bonus, if nothin' else."

Baldesarre: "How decent is decent? Like covered in a towel decent? Or we talking formalwear?"

(after Mikhail came close to blowing an extraction through total lack of social skills)

Sven: "Hi, I'm with the Yamatetsu self-extraction program. We show up, alert your officemates, then make you do the hard part yourself."

(Bobby's day job is laundering money for the Yakuza)

Bobby Z: "I mean, if this happened to me, my employer would look more kindly on rebuilding a wall than losing their personnel."

Aaron: "Your employer also cuts off the hands of people who steal from it. Although I'm sure you must save millions in office supplies."

Dalassa(GM): "A middle and an teenage elf get out and start walking toward the helicopter."

Sven: "How do you tell the difference between a middle-aged elf and a teenage elf, anyway?"

Dalassa(GM): "Piercings."

Ian: "Why do people have so much interest in adding Cthulhu to their SR games?"

John: "Cthulhu makes everything better."

Ian: "Well, yeah, to a point."

John: "Cthulhu > immoral elves."

Ian: "Point. But then, delicious waffles and syrup > immortal elves"

John: "Maybe they don't have any syrup."

Ian: "That'd be rather cruel."

John: "Some people are just syrup-deprived. It's a dark future."

Ian: "True."

Sven: "Now you know as much as I do."

Kinneas: "And knowing is half the battle?"

Aaron: "No, scientific testing has proven that knowing is roughly 15% of the battle. The vast majority is kicking ass, with around 5% being 'looking cooler than everyone else'."

Rat: "That'll make a very loud noise."

Salmus: "Not with a silencer on it."

Rat: "Does it have a silencer on it?"

Salmus: "... No."

Mary: "Oo, I have an idea! So we wait for some of them to go out by themselves, and we follow them, and I make them go to sleep. Then Sweetcheeks puts them in the truck, and we take them somewhere and drain their blood into a big jar, and I heal them so they don't die. Then we put them back where we got them, and we take the jar and hook it to their plumbing so when they get up in the morning and go to take a shower, blood comes out of it! And, and, this is the best part! If they trace it with ritual magic, they'll find out it's their own blood!"

(Everyone's favorite nine-year-old mambo convinces a gang to move out.)

Mary: "I don't want to leave ritual links lying around."

(Mary explains why she'd just eaten her own severed finger.)