Elroy and Christy's Wedding

September 18th, 2004


Fifteen minutes before we needed to leave, Christy called in a panic wanting to know if Elroy would help her out of the RV when her father dropped her off at the altar in it. The atmosphere amongst the groom's party was a bit more relaxed.

The Ceremony

Carolyn should be in here, but my camera doesn't cycle fast enough, and Jimm missed her.

Taryn should be here. Ditto above.

Christy is trying not to burst out laughing because Elroy has just slipped her a plastic cow along with the ring. "With this cow, Ah thee wed."

Taking The Official Pictures

That's the photographer's hand in the corner. I was standing about a foot behind her, shooting over her head.

Blame Taryn for the lack of pictures of the groom's party. She was holding my camera while we were up there.

The Reception

Edna. Her pictures are here.

Taryn and her date. Poor kid didn't know what he was getting into. She got stood up by the girl friend she'd invited, so she called him on her cell from the church and told him to bike to the restaurant, without mentioning that it was a wedding reception. The second picture was taken from the hip while she was complaining about me having taken the first one. I think the composition's pretty good, considering.

Every wedding reception needs a patriotic stuffed raccoon.

Elroy made the Lego church.

"The restaurant doesn't need decorations! It's got a moose head on the wall!"

We're not sure what this is...

I spent several seconds messing with zooms and camera orientation so as to get both Tim and Carolyn into the picture, then, just as I hit the button, Carolyn turned her head. Tim's pictures are over here.

I'm of the opinion that all wedding dresses should be accessorized with swords.

We elected Chuck best man because neither Robb nor I wanted to give a speech. Chuck's speech was disturbingly touching and un-Chuck-like. It even surprised him. He'd planned to talk about pizza.

Chuck puttin' the moves on the photographer's assistant.
