Week One
Sunday 1

This Campus Is A Friggin' Escher Print (Book One)

Move-In Day

Monday 1

Uphill From Here

Tuesday 1

Men are from Beck, Women are from Clark

Wednesday 1

The Bechdel Test

Thursday 1

Media Rumble

Friday 1

Yesterday Was Thursday

Saturday 1

The Cragged Shame Pits of the Lustwolves (Book Two)

Pajama Jeans

Week Two
Sunday 2

Choosing My Religion

Monday 2

The First Step Towards Recovery

Time Keeps on Slippin'

Tuesday 2
Wednesday 2
Thursday 2
Friday 2
Saturday 2

Saturday's All Right for Slighting

Week Three
Sunday 3

Strange Beerfellows

Monday 3

Your Stupid Overconfidence Is Nostalgic (Book Three)

If the Shoe Splits

Tuesday 3

Guess Who's Coming to Galasso's

Wednesday 3

Answers in Hennessy

Thursday 3
Friday 3
Saturday 3

Just Hangin' Out With My Family

Week Four
Sunday 4

Amazi-Girl Is Always Prepared For Anything (Book Four)

The Only Dope For Me Is You

Monday 4

I Was A Teenage Churchmouse

Tuesday 4

Up All Night To Get Vengeance

Wednesday 4

The Whiteboard Dingdong Bandit

Thursday 4

Hey, Guess What, I'm A Lesbian! (Book Five)

When Somebody Loved Me

Friday 4

Three's a Crowd

Saturday 4

The Butterflies Won't Fly Away

Week Five
Sunday 5

Walking With Dina

Monday 5

The Machinations Of My Revenge Will Be Cold, Swift, And Absolutely Ridiculous (Book Six)

To Those Who'd Ground Me

Tuesday 5

That Perfect Girl

Wednesday 5
Thursday 5
Friday 5
Saturday 5

When God Closes The Door

Week Six
Sunday 6

It All Returns

Monday 6

(Book Seven)

Glower Vacuum

Tuesday 6

Everything You've Ever Wanted Floats Above

Wednesday 6

The Thing I Was Before

Thursday 6

The 'Do' List

Friday 6
Saturday 6