Day One

Adam getting ready at Elroy's the morning before.

Shawn arrives. (That's Sherry behind him.)

I really wasn't trying to get a shot down Sherry's shirt, honest... she leaned over just as I hit the button.

Packing the car.

We're carrying all this junk with us?

Well, there's the trail head.

The cookies were great, Sherry... but next time we go hiking and you want to make us 20 pounds of food, save it for the welcome-home party, please? Those things were heavy.

Taking pictures of Sherry taking pictures of us taking pictures of Sherry taking pictures of us...

The top of Pine Cobble, the first major hill. This is quite a ways up the trail from the last pictures... I had other things to worry about than taking pictures along the way, like getting myself and my gear adjusted for something I hadn't done in about six years. About halfway up, I decided I really didn't want to be wearing jeans, and I didn't have anything else with me, so I dug out my knife and made myself a pair of shorts. A little after that, we were passed by a very nice group of ladies, who, it turned out, were travelling the same section we ended up travelling, and we camped near them both nights. Somehow, I managed to not get any usable pictures of them the first or second days.

Pine Cobble, anyway, has a rocky top. Someone has stacked up cairns there. Wild blueberries growing amongst the rocks... very tasty.

Rocks and trees and stuff. Except for that first big boulder, I'm not actually sure why I took these in particular. It's fairly typical of the terrain we were travelling over, though.

The Vermont border. We escaped Massachussetts.

More rocks. These are Vermont rocks, though, not Mass. rocks.

Setting up camp at the end of the first day.

Day One | Day Two | Day Three