Windsor 2001

Quebec's flat.

No, I mean really flat.

Really, really flat.

I shouldn't have gone through this tunnel. I definitely shouldn't have gone through it twice.

Hey, at least Quebec has pretty sunsets.

The SMAC manual.

Ian didn't have a SMAC manual handy.

The Mudgirl!

Hokie arrived, after being only mildly molested by Customs.

DDR time!

Ian vs. Darth DDR Smackdown! Darth has l33t DDR sk1llz. Ian.... uh.... doesn't.

Hokie's laughing at them. But soon it will be...

... Hokie's turn!

And folken's up next.

Hokie and Ian leaving.

folken, without the SMAC manual for a change. I think Muddy took this one.

I know Muddy took this one, 'cause my arm isn't that long.

Cousin Muddy and me.

Cousin Muddy and my elbow.

The, uh, sky over Muddy's street. I dunno. Ask folken.

Awwwww, aren't folken and Muddy cute?

Muddy has evil black squirrel minions of doom, too. Watch your back, Josh. Watch your back.

This, presumably, is the Tim Horton's at which Deirdre Bradley works. Must've been her night off, though. I checked for tall, long-haired red-headed women with a predeliction for geeks. They didn't have any.